ChipLinQ | First of it's kind car technology from ModLinQ
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Place this on your vehicle and simply tap your phone to access your ModLinQ profile.



What is ChipLinQ?

ChipLinQ is a small, convenient 35mm chip that can be placed on any glass, fiberglass, plastic, resin, or carbon fiber surface of your ride, allowing people to easily discover more about your vehicle!

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ChipLinQ Features

View Profiles
Scan Tracking
Encrypted Linking
Usage Tracking
Marketplace Lead Qualifier*
Car Groups
99% Uptime
Social Linking
Get yours now...
* Feature requires subscription to Club Mod for added functionality.

Installation & Usage

  1. 1. After ordering your ChipLinQ, just scan your device and log into your profile to link your garage.
  2. 2. Place your ChipLinQ on a clean surface that is non-metallic. Most of our users place their chip on a quarter window, but you can also place it on your windshield, carbon fiber, plastic or any glass surface.
  3. 3. Simply tap or hover the top of your phone within 1 inch of the device* and it will take you to your profile here on ModLinQ.
  4. 4. When logged in, you will automatically get points for user cars that you scan and the cars that they scan of yours, track your friends on the leaderboards.
* Please note that the device will automatically open on any iPhone 11 or higher, for older iPhones equipped with NFC technology you may need to download a NFC reader application. Similarly, most new Android devices and Google devices will auto open the link for you, but you may need a reader for older devices.


ChipLinQ is now available for purchase! You can purchase ChipLinQ for $9.95 per device. Click the button below to purchase yours today.

ChipLinQ access includes all access to one garage. You can have as many ChipLinQ devices as you'd like to your garage.

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